6 Ways To Measure Trade Show ROI

6 Ways To Measure Trade Show ROI

Every business owner who participates in a Trade Show must prove the ROI of their participation in the form getting new business. Here are 6 ways to calculate the ROI of your trade show participation.

Cost Per Lead

Cost Per LeadEasily calculate the ROI of your trade show participation by dividing the total money spent on the trade show by total leads converted to opportunity.

Cost Per Lead = Total money spent on trade show

Leads converted into opportunity

This will allow you to decide how effective your participation was at the event. If you have participated in multiple events, the same formula will let you know the effectiveness or profitability of each event.

Social Media

Social Media

Closely monitor all your social media channels before the launch of the event and after the event. Monitor increases in likes, fans/followers, email contacts, blog subscribers and more.

Continue monitoring all channels to see which specific channels receive the maximum engagement during the show. It will help you optimize for future events.

Website Traffic

Website Traffic

Website traffic is a crucial indicator to let you know how successful your campaign was in terms of the increased website traffic, which in turn can mean increased conversions.

Fresh Leads and Customers

Fresh Leads and Customers

As a result of your trade show participation, you will have an increased number of new leads coming in. It could be through online mediums or direct walk-ins. For online channels (Website, Social Media) you can attribute a specific tracking URL that will allow you to distinguish them from leads from other campaigns.

Increased Business From Existing Customers

Increased Business From Existing Customers

Keep in mind, trade show participation, can increase the number of leads coming in from existing customers who were in attendance or saw news of it online. Increased traffic from existing customers can occur well past the date of the tradeshow.

If you want to track leads, consider giving out two different coupon codes during the show, one for new customers and a second for any existing customers. 



The number of demonstrations completed during the trade show can give you an indication of success. If you were able to pull a sizeable crowd to your booth, and demo your service or product, it can be a good indicator.

While there are other ways to calculate ROI of your trade show, one of the main things to pique audience interest is how well a booth is built and designed for interaction. The team at Exponet offers a wide variety of innovative and cost effective trade show branding solutions to its customers. You can reach out to us to discuss your next project.

Apr 1st 2019 Max Powers

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